
Hydrologist at Statkraft, mother of five, deputy mayor and operator of a small farm. 西格丽德 Bojesen Fatnes is happy with every single drop of rain that falls from the sky.


“If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that you mustn’t complain about wet weather. 你必须为每一毫米的雨而高兴! Water has a huge role to play in our lives,” says Statkraft hydrologist 西格丽德 Bojesen Fatnes.

西格丽德, 她还是五个孩子的母亲和副市长, 经营着一个小农场, 在她的家乡苏达小镇生活和工作, 位于挪威西海岸, 那里一年大约下200天的雨.

“想想十大靠谱网赌有水是多么的幸运. It gives us hydroelectric power, drinking water and lush countryside. 十大靠谱网赌不需要为它做任何事!

西格丽德 Bojesen Fatnes is Manager Planning South in Statkraft's Production business area, where she is responsible for planning the company's hydropower production in southern 挪威. (照片:阳狮集团/厨房)

“It’s amazing to think that I’m helping to send renewable energy out along the power grid to lots of homes, 无论是在挪威还是在欧洲,西格丽德说.

Her job is to track the water from the moment it falls out of the sky until it passes through the power plants’ turbines.

“当十大靠谱网赌知道十大靠谱网赌可以期待多少水的时候, we can apportion its use as effectively as possible for the benefit of Statkraft and society as a whole, 防止洪水泛滥. 水力发电的奇妙之处在于它是灵活的, 它能让你在需要的时候发电,她自豪地说。.

“我觉得我的工作责任重大. Not only to provide sustainable electricity for future generations, but also to protect people’s immediate safety by predicting and preventing floods."


西格丽德 and her husband Eirik Daniel moved back to Sauda some ten years ago. 回来 to the village, inhabiting a few thousand people, surrounded
by magnificent countryside, snow-clad mountains, untamed wild waterfalls and lush green slopes. 西格丽德从小就在哪里跑步、洗澡和玩耍.

事实上,这是他们长大的地方. 回来 to the village that “feels like a town because its centre is compact and where everything is close at hand”.

这对夫妇现在经营着一个小农场, 有30只羊和8头乳牛, 这是十大靠谱网赌家族传下来的. 两代祖父母都住在一箭之遥的地方. 西格丽德骑车上班要花十分钟. 生活是美好的.

在他们搬回家之前, 他们在卑尔根待了八年, where 西格丽德 studied meteorology and then worked as a meteorologist with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute’s Forecasting Division for Western 挪威. When Statkraft advertised for a hydrologist to work in her home village, 一切都井然有序,一家人又搬回来了. Statkraft’s regional office for southern 挪威, which is located in Sauda, employs around 40 people.

“When I moved back, a whole new world opened up for me, with a substantial scientific community. It’s great that there was such an exciting workplace here in Sauda. It can be challenging to find work for two highly educated home-comers, 但我丈夫和我真的很幸运.”


西格丽德是个大忙人. One with lots of lists, yellow post-it notes, high ambitious goals and long days.

Her children are sitting around the family dining table: Sivert (1), Tarjei (5), Eirin (7), Liva(10)和Ingrid (13). They are used to the conversation ranging from hydropower and climate change to the local community, leisure activities and the importance of jobs to the village’s future. Or conversations about choir and piano practice, handball and football training. 或者关于小牛、羔羊、牛粪和畜牧业.

“这是完全不间断的. My different roles blend into each other and it’s not often I get to relax on the sofa,西格丽德笑着说, 谁是沙特市的副市长.

西格丽德 Bojesen Fatnes
In 2019, 西格丽德 Bojesen Fatnes, 代表挪威中间党, 当选为沙特自治市副市长. (照片:阳狮集团/厨房)

“政治与十大靠谱网赌周围发生的事情有很大关系, and is much more rewarding and inspiring than you might think. It is here that I can help to plot Sauda’s future course,西格丽德说.

但当一名民选官员并不总是那么容易. 对工作环境的投入, society and politics has brought me into situations that I’ve not always been comfortable with. But I have faith in my own beliefs and opinions and the courage to stand up for them, 即使遇到暴风雨. 我认识到没有什么是真正危险的. 在一天结束的时候,十大靠谱网赌都只是人.”

“在我的工作中,我可以近距离观察大自然的循环. We know and see with our own eyes that the climate is changing more than is normal. The weather is becoming wilder and more intense, and that goes for both wet and dry periods. Being part of Statkraft, which is important for tomorrow’s green energy, makes me feel very proud!"


西格丽德 has a deep commitment to the fight against climate change and is proud of the work she does as a hydrologist in Statkraft.



“当我感到疲惫时,这可能是一个挑战. I often have busy days when I don’t accomplish everything I’d planned, and working in the evenings is not always a tempting prospect. But it is worth it, because I learn a lot from being challenged, not least about myself as a person.”

西格丽德 says that she enjoys life most when she gets things done and can see that the children are thriving.


“有所作为. If my contribution can nudge things a little bit in the right direction, 我觉得我有所成就,她说。.

“No one can do everything by themselves, but everyone can do something.”




Did you know that Statkraft has 347 hydropower plants in 挪威 and abroad? In 挪威, 90 percent of all power production comes from hydropower. Worldwide, hydropower accounts for around one-sixth of total power production.
